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Cosa è una Knowledge Clip (KC)

«...Am I learning something important here?

How is it connected to me and my personal story?

What knowledge and skills have I achieved?

What am I going to do with my new learned skills and knowledge?

Which new things do I learn that can improve the quality of my life?»


Queste sono le possibili domande che si pone qualunque individuo (alunno, docente, adulto) che svolga attività di apprendimento e formazione.

Alle stesse domande è necessario che il formatore, prima di iniziare un percorso di insegnamento, dia delle risposte coerenti, che non prescindano dalla iniziale mappatura del curricolo me che lo superino attraverso metodologie aderenti al profilo dei discenti (età, background, prerequisiti...) e alle loro esigenze formative.

L'innovazione metodologica e didattica mira a migliorare l'efficacia dell'insegnamento.  Uno strumento che si adatta alla metodologia flipped classroom è la Knowledge Clip, che può assumere vari formati in base ai destinatari e al traguardo formativo.






A set of questions raised issues about the knowledge clip itself:

what is a good knowledge clip?

- How long can it be?

- What is a motivating interaction between the knowledge clip and the learners in class?

- How do you set up criteria for an evaluation of a knowledge clip creation?

who should create it?

- the celebrity teacher giving a TEDtalk?

- the actor-teacher playing a role?

- a young conversationalist conveying the ideas of the learned professor?

- the learners themselves?

- paid actors?

when do we "use" a knowledge clip?

- as an introduction?

- as an illustration?

- as part of a story creation?

- as an evaluation?

- as something to be studied at home following the principles of the Flipped Classroom?

And finally we asked ourselves what is the impact of working with knowledge clips? We all noticed the enthusiasm of our students and they learnt a lot. We tried to measure their knowledge acquisition using CEFR and Carrington's Padagogy wheel but it has to be approached in a more systematic way.


While implementing the knowledge clips we also started to question our roles as learner/ teacher and the dialogue with our adult learners.

Learning to Learn By

Teaching 2

while working
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